The Newgate Fund: We make the magic together

This is a short video message to the NGS community about the NewGate Fund. Many of us prefer not to think about fundraising, but it is an important aspect of life in every nonprofit. The school depends on the generous support of our families, staff, and friends. The way I think about it personally is that my gifts are a social investment in both today’s children and the children who will follow. NewGate is a happy place for those who love her.

The video was inspired by a similar piece done by another school that I’ve known for years out west. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you do.

The goal of the school’s Institutional Advancement Committee is to communicate clearly as the school continues to plan for the future and raise funds needed to sustain what makes NewGate special as well as expand and enhance our programs and facilities. (BTW, anyone willing to invest the time and thought are invited to join the Institutional Advancement Committee.)

The NewGate Fund was established in 2016 to help ensure that NewGate can cover all costs during the first three years of transitioning to two campuses. Among those costs are repairs and renovations on both campuses.

You may designed your gifts to specific projects.

The NewGate Fund is also a sustaining fund used to help support the school’s needs-based financial aid and scholarship programs.

There are also naming opportunities available.

Current NewGate families can ask the school office to add a pledge to the NewGate Fund onto their family’s TADS account and make tax-deductible donations automatically along with tuition payments.

NewGate faculty and staff who wish can set up a monthly donation to be drawn from their pay.

Donate Now:

Thank you for everything that you do to help.


Tim Seldin